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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bored, Oh So Bored

It has now been just over a month since I was laid off and I can't tell you how boring my life is! Yes it was a little nice the first few days of not having to go into work but now I have this daily routine that is so boring and of course not getting paid sux! Here is what my daily routine consists of:

6:30-7:30 a.m. Wake up with the hubby and eat breakfast
7:30-9:30 a.m. Go back to sleep after hubby leaves for work
9:30-Noon        Eat a snack, Watch TV, Read a book, Look for jobs
Noon-2 p.m.     Eat lunch, watch A Baby Story, read a book, get online
2-4:30 p.m.       Either take a nap or read/watch tv
4:30-5:30 p.m.  Wash Dishes and make dinner
5:30-6 p.m.        Eat dinner when the hubby gets home
6-10 p.m.           Eat a snack, watch tv, read
10 p.m.              Go to sleep and wake up every couple of  hours to use the bathroom

This is pretty much what I do every day. I swear I feel like all I do is sleep and eat most of the time. I have never been good at staying home and doing NOTHING for more than a day. I get restless and bored. It's not like I have money to go just drive around with the way gas prices are and go to lunch with friends/family since I barely have money to pay my bills.

I really hope that I find a job after Liz is born. I know that once she gets here my life is going to be a lot more hectic and I won't have time to be bored and then I'm not gonna want to go back to work but right now I really need something to do!

Since I've always had a job, I was wondering if any of you have ever been laid off or without a job for a period of time, what did you do?


  1. Hmmm.. what about volunteering somewhere short-term until you give birth if you're feeling quite bored? Or maybe you could try to teach yourself to knit or crochet? I was home for 3 months on medical leave over a year ago and oddly enough, the time went by fast and I wasn't really bored too much but I slept a lot then.

  2. Do you have any craft supplies at the house? I was going to say you could play in some of that - make something for Liz...

    I'm sure reading gets old lol.

    You can always email me :D

  3. Oh sweetie, so sorry to hear you were laid off work!
