Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Full Term

How far along? 37 Weeks 4 Days (We are full term!!!!!!!!)

Baby's size?  Baby Center says: She now  weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard).

Weight Gain? At Monday's doctor visit I gained 1lb since last week Total gain +33 1/2lbs. I started at 164 lbs and am now at 197.

Maternity clothes? Oh yes and even those are getting really tight

Stretch marks? Yes

Belly button in or out? Still in

Sleep? Not sleeping all that well. Getting harder to turn over.

Foods I am loving? Oranges and anything cold

Foods I am hating? Nothing at the moment

Best moment this week? Seeing our slideshow of our maternity pics

Symptoms? Cramping in my lower abdomen and a lot of pelvic pressure

Gender? A girl Elizabeth Grace Lopez

What I miss? Feeling normal

Dr. Appointment: This week's doctors visit was not that great. Liz' heart rate was good at 152. The doctor said I was still closed at that my pelvis sucked! So we are for sure having a csection. To the not so good news my blood pressure was high for the second week in a row and this time my pulse was  high too. My BP was 140 something/87. The doctor thought I might have preeclampsia and made me do a 24 hour urine and come back the next day and get my blood pressure taken again. Yesterday I went back to recheck my BP and it was higher than it was on Monday at 140 something/94 and my pulse was 105. So she sent me to the hospital lab to get blood work done and turn in my 24 hr urine. She was supposed to get the results in an hour but I didnt hear back from her till 4 hours later and I was going crazy! Good news is my urine came back good and I don't have preeclampsia but I do have gestational hypertension. She told me just to keep an eye on it and I have my next appointment next Monday. Hopefully then we will pick a date to have the csection and hopefully my BP has gone down some.

Has anyone else had this problem when they were pregnant?

Sorry I don't have a belly pic this week.


  1. Yeah for full term!!!!! I heard some people get pregnancy hypertension and it can be from all the fluid build up etc. But you are so close to the end that you should be fine! I'm sure nerves about the c-section don't help.

    Also, pelvic pressure is the worst!!! I would wobble around at work holding my belly down there haha.

    as for the c-section, I would have much rather known ahead of time than have one through am emergency! With that being said, it was not bad at all!!!! They gave me some good medication and I did not feel a thing! Some say they felt pressure but I did not. They had me open and getting ready to pull her out before I knew they has begun!

    Things I would recommend...
    Ask for a binder in the hospital to support your belly when you are up moving.

    Get up and move a little right away even if you just dangle your feet or stand by your bed at first.

    Take your pain meds!!!! Don't be a champ and refuse them bc it will just set you back!!! I only needed percocet for a week bc the scheduled ibuprofen was great as well!!!! The pain wasn't horrible so don't freak! Just take your meds and it makes it so much easier!

    And make sure to have a bowel movement BEFORE leaving the hospital haha. Sadly, I did not and got so constipated that I spent 4 freakin hrs on the toilet and sent my husband out at 3 am to get me enemas and such! Luckily, I'm a nurse and knew what the heck I was doing haha **the pain meds slow down your intestinal track and I was probably dehydrated ad well from nursing so much**

    You will do great!! Soon, you will have that baby in your arms =)

  2. Girl that baby isn't out yet? haha I was shocked to see you were still preggers! You do look adorable still though. I am back from getting married and our honeymoon and just checking in on you!

    I'm sorry you had some bad news but I hope things are better now. It wont be long befoer little Elizabeth is out of you and you get to meet her! How exciting! Hang in there!
