Starting weight: 159.8 lbs.
This week's weight: 161.6 lbs (+1.8 lbs)
Goal weight: 130 lbs.
I am so ashamed to tell you that in my first week of being honest about me wanting to loose weight I end up gaining almost 2 lbs. I thought I did pretty good this week with the exception of some dessert cheats. I worked out 3 days and even though I was shooting for 5 there was no way I could work out after Wednesday b/c that spin class kicked my butt.
I thought I was doing so good in the class because i was keeping up with everyone but the next day I could barely walk. I'm dead serious. For the next 4 days I could barley bend my legs to sit down to go down a step. I was miserable! I tried everything to help the soreness and nothing really worked. This Monday I did go back to the gym and do 30 minutes on the eliptical machine and 20 minutes on the treadmill. Last night the husband and I went to the park to go run and I was only able to run a little and had to power walk the rest of the time. I walked 2 miles so not bad I guess. I haven't decided if i should try spin class again tonight since im still a little sore but I really want to see if i can make it.
As far as my eating I started out good until the weekend. We went and had indian food (which i absolutely love but only get every couple of months) with some friends and then we went to Rice Villiage for some non fat yogurt that im not too sure how many calories were in there. Then on Sunday the Mr. and I went and got McFlurry's from McDonalds (but i did have a snack size one) and then yesterday at lunch me and a coworker shared a piece of carrot cake. I swear sweets are going to be the death of me! LOL
I really need to control my eating better and only allow myself to have 1 dessert a month (maybe the middle of the month) and see if that helps. I am trying not to extreme diet and just trying to watch what I eat and limit my portions. If I don't see any difference in my weight by doing that and working out 3 days a week for a month then I will have to change my plans and start counting calories and working out 5 days a week.
Does anyone have any tips for me?
12 years ago