Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, January 24, 2011

Pregnancy: 21 Weeks

How far along? 21 Weeks 3 Days

Baby's size? From Baby Center: now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot.

Weight Gain? + 9 lbs

Maternity clothes? Yes couldn't fit in anything else even if i wanted to!

Stretch marks? Yes

Belly button in or out? In but getting shallow

Sleep? Last night I slept horribly! I'm not sure if its because I'm so tired in the evenings that I go to bed earlier and then wake up all throughout the night. I think I might try to stay up a little later and see if that makes a difference.

Foods I am loving? Frozen Yogurt

Foods I am hating? Nothing really

Best moment this week? We went and started our registries this weekend. I have to admit that I felt like for some things like bottles and stuff I wasn't really sure which ones to get. I was a little overwhelmed. A funny moment this week was my youngest niece called me after seeing my belly pictures on Facebook and asked me why my tummy was so fat. After telling her its because baby Elizabeth is in there she then tells me no I think you're having twins! Like I didn't have a weight complex before. LOL

Movement? Still waiting to feel her kick!

Symptoms? Still having headaches and just trouble sleeping. Also let me apologize in advance because this is a little TMI but before getting pregnant I was not a gassy person. I hardly ever passed gas. Now it seems like I do that all the time. It's really embarrasing! Oh the joys of being pregnant!

Gender? G.I.R.L

What I miss? A glass of wine!

Belly Photo

Sorry for the bad photos. My bathroom lightening is not that great!


  1. You look fantastic girl! Love the dress!

  2. Cute belly! These weeks are going to fly by!

  3. Oh don't you just LOVE it when kids speak their minds?! Chris' nephew once told me that I looked "hideous" in a new dress, and I wanted to dump my glass of water on him. Ugh!
